June 30, 2015


10 Ways to Taste the Philippines
If you happen to visit the Philippines for the first time or it might be your nth time but haven’t really tasted Filipino cuisine, you are missing a LOT! Do not just be confined with oily street foods that the struggling working class satiate. Street foods tend to have too much oil, too much salt, too much sugar and you are depriving yourself from savoring the best of Pinoy food.

I would like to share with you my article published at Pacific and Park a couple of weeks back. I am fortunate to stumble into this gorgeous site as it features amazing destinations and delicious food adventures.

Here are my Top 10 Ways to Taste the Philippines via Pacific and Park.

June 24, 2015


Prawn Salad

I love Shrimps and Prawns! I go crazy whenever I see fresh and beautiful Shrimp & Prawns in the market. Earlier, I bought medium-sized prawns for something delicious to whip up in a flash.

Sharing with you fellow food lovers an easy recipe, that’s healthy too – Prawn Salad.